Sunday, December 27, 2009
So yeah, it's been a minute...
Well, what DON'T you know? Lol!
We had a good Christmas - everyone got what they wanted, and more. We played games and had a nice small meal. Just a nice relaxing day.
The kids are out of school until 1/4/2010, but I have 2 more days of work this year. It's not bad - I love my job. We do lots of good stuff for good people. Since the office will be pretty much empty - only 2 of us in our department - I'm going to get alot of work done.
We just adopted some soldiers. We're sending care packages, cards, and letters. I'm thinking about starting a FB group so others can help... I've asked for help with other charitable causes, but I don't get too many responses. Doesn't matter, I'll still do what I can.
Well, that's about it. If there's anything you want to know, please contact me - I'll let you know!
Be blessed!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
What we're getting into
Things have been okay with the extra kids around. They've been getting into several different arguements here and there, and there was one fight. Other than that, they've been pretty good. They all know they have to be, or I won't take them out with me.
My niece and nephew have already started asking my sister to move here. They love the peace and quiet, the central air, and just the ease of it all living down here. She's going to try to get here to visit, and I hope she feels the same way they do. It would be nice to get all of them out of the city, but I don't see that happening any time soon.
I'm trying to get this blog updated on a regular basis, but it seems that I'm the only one interested in keeping it up. I'm going to ask the kids to add their thoughts of how the summer's been treating them, so hopefully, they'll to that soon.
Thanks for reading, and God Bless!!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
I have extra kids
When we got here, they were NOT used to the heat at all. We went to Target as soon as we got to Kannapolis, and when we walked outside, they both recoiled from the heat. It was the funniest sight! Now, it seems like they're getting used to the weather. They like going outside - although they don't stay out as long as they would if they were in Philly...
Yesterday, we went to the pond. They got to see the ducks, geese, and a swan that decided to make an appearance.
I received my official offer call from Habitat for Humanity (yaaayyy!). Now I'm waiting for the letter. I am the Assistant Homeowner in Process Coordinator. Helping people get their paperwork together and make sure their finances are in order. Maybe I'll get my own finances in order... lol!
So I'm looking for a financial blessing - need it. I know God will provide, so I'm thanking him in advance.
Anyhow, there's not much to talk about, so I'm signing out.
Thanks, and God Bless!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
UGH! School's out...
Grades are in! Bri and Nate has B's and one C, Renee has an A, B's and 2 C's. They did okay. Not as good as I wanted them to (yes, they could have done MUCH better), but I'm proud of them anyway. Nate has finished 5th grade. It's about time! He had a "ceremony", it was PACKED, and I wasn't able to take pictures, because he was on the opposite side of where we were sitting. He had two lines to read in a poem, and he did good with that. Bri is still going to school on Tuesdays and Thursdays for JROTC leadership training. She wants a leadership position next year. I hope she gets it. She's been working hard.
Lawrence and I? We're doing good. He's still working hard. Next month will mark a year of us being here in Charlotte, and a year for him being at his job. He's excited about the milestone. I am pouring myself into volunteering now. Since I don't have a job, I thought this would at least give me something to do, and I can help people. Also, when someone looks at my resume, they'll see that I've been keeping myself busy. That's what I was planning on doing when I started this whole blog - be a mom and volunteer - but I let myself focus on finances, and didn't allow God to step in and take care of that situation. Now that I've moved over and gave it back to God, things are looking up for us.
Next week, I'm supposed to be driving to Philly to get my niece and nephew so they can spend some of their summer in the south. It depends on if my sister is sending the funds for me to get the rental car.
Well, that's all the updates for now. Pray for our health and strength.
Thanks, and God Bless!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
It's been a while
Bri's trip was nice, I posted pictures on for everyone to see. We went to the Citadel, toured an aircraft carrier that was transformed into a museum, and took a boat over to Fort Sumter. We had a great time. The kids were very respectful, so I didn't have to pull out my Philly hood attitude to get them in line...
Soon after that, Bri's JROTC group had an awards ceremony. I left my camera, but she didn't get any awards anyway. I told her next year I didn't want to just sit and clap for other people's kids.
Renee had a concert at her school. She's in Chorus club. It was a complete music concert - the string orchestra, the band, and the chorus club participated. It was very nice - until the chorus got up to sing. They didn't know the words, you couldn't hear the words that they did sing, and everyone started falling asleep. I didn't have my camera for that either, and I was happy I didn't.
Nate had his Karate Graduation to Orange belt, and those pictures are on the photo site as well.
He's looking forward to going to summer class, and he's happy that he's going to be moving up, so he'll be practicing with the older kids.
We're no longer homeless! We joined a church!! Oak Grove Missionary Baptist Church, it's not far from us - about a 5 minute drive. We went last summer when we first moved here, but most of the members went to visit another church. We went to several other churches, but we weren't comfortable - then we went back to visit Oak Grove, and it just felt like home. So, we made it home! Come visit us!
We had a great Memorial Day weekend. You'll see those pictures, too. We went to Kevin and Nadine's on Friday, then we had a barbecue here at home on Sunday.
What's happening next? Well I'm still looking for work, but I am starting school in August. Nate's hopefully going to a performing arts school next year for theater (I tried to get Renee to go, but she wants to wait until high school), and my niece and nephew are coming down for the summer.
I have to post a couple of recipes that I've tried.
Enjoy the pics everybody!
Thanks, and God Bless!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Man, I'm tired...
Nate's school is having a dance on Friday, from 6p - 8p. Parents HAVE to go. I think that's a good idea, instead of trying to find chaperones, and the chaperones don't want to do their jobs, anyway.
Monday, Bri and I are going to Charleston with her JROTC group. We're going to Ft. Sumpter, then hang out at the mall. We're staying the night at a hotel, then going to the Citadel on Tuesday. There's only 9 students going, and 5 parents - and the teachers are going. There's going to be more adults than kids!! This will be my first trip to Charleston. I hear it's very nice.
So what's been going on? Well...
Renee's friend and family took her skating and then they had barbecue back at the house. She said she had a great time, and now her friend is probably going to stay over Friday night.
Since she was out, Bri, Nate, and I went to the mall and Steak and Shake.
I have to do hair. Don't feel like it. Renee's hair has a mind of it's own! She may be going to Carowinds tomorrow for a singing something or other. I told her no, because she told me SO late, but we're trying to scrape the money together to let her go.
Anyway, back to hair. BLAH!!
Thanks, and God Bless!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
12 years ago today...
That was NOT the best time to be on the road. Lawrence and I were in the back seat, the driver (a neighbor) was trying to get through the thick traffic on 76, and none of us could figure out why there was so much traffic.
That is, until we got to the 30th Street exit - then we saw almost everyone get off at that exit. We all realized that they were all going to the post office. I wasn't working the year before, so I wasn't even thinking about taxes. Lawrence and our neighbor had filed theirs early, so they weren't thinking about it, either.
When we got to the hospital, I knew this time I was just going to get some Demerol at the start, instead of waiting for more pain later. I'm glad I did. With Bri, I had NO drugs at all - didn't want or need any. With Renee', I had something that was lighter than Demerol - but only about 30 minutes before she was born. This time, I said, why wait.
At about 12:30am, the doctor said, "Okay, time to push." Push?? Push what? With the last two kids, I have only pushed 3 times, and that was with Bri. Didn't have to push with Renee', she did it herself! So I start pushing, and an HOUR later (whew!), Little Nate was born. Big ol' eyes, and looked JUST like his daddy. I was upset. I had no babies that looked more like me...
Well, tomorrow is Nate's 12th birthday, and he's so excited. We're not doing anything special, and he knows this, but he's excited that he's almost a teenager. We're actually going to Bri's ROTC program. I also have to go to the doctor in the morning. We're still going to make sure the day is special for him.
Anyway, that's it for now.
Thanks, and God Bless!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Trying to help my villiage
This is a little long, too.
I was sitting here watching the Trumpet Awards - I hardly EVER watch award shows, but for some reason I was drawn to watch this tonight. So there's this preacher that I've NEVER heard of, Pastor Paula White, and she does all of this humanitarian stuff. I know, so does alot of people.
God touched me. Made me stop watching and reading my book, and I had to get up and formulate my own plan. This is what I have to do:I am going to ask my son's school if I can sponsor a class. I don't want to do my godson's class, and I'm not going to start this until next year, then my son won't even be in the school - so people won't think I'm doing this for him. I want to buy bookbags and books for each child in the class. I also want to assist the teachers in getting their supplies. Eventually I want to have this catch fire, and be able to do this for the entire school.
This is not done in my area. I believe people think that because of where I live, we can afford the essentials. There are TOO many forclosed homes in the area that tell me they're wrong. They had the programs in other schools in the area - giving out bookbags and books, but not up here. I also see how the teachers need so much - they have to pay for so much themselves, because budgets are being snatched from under them.
This is where, of course I need help. I'm going to do this if I get assistance or not - I know God will provide either way. If you DO want to help, you can send paypal funds to me at You can also email me, and I'll give you my address. From 10 cents to millions, everything helps.
Thanks, and God Bless!!
Monday, April 6, 2009
The week of children...
My kids, they're here. In the house. Well, one had the sense to get out. She went to her friend's house - he has a trampoline in his yard, so all the kids go there. The boy is here, playing video games, of course. The oldest - her boyfriend is here, and they're playing games in the living room, where I can keep my eye on them...
Anyway. Nothing else is happening. I posted pics from this weekend on my shutterfly site.
Friday, April 3, 2009
What's new?
How about you guys?
We were supposed to go to Philly for spring break, but we just couldn't make the trip. Money, of course, but also just tired from the last trip still. It was just two weeks ago, and I really don't feel like driving on Philly streets again right now. They are so SMALL! It was just different being there after living here for 7 months. We would have stayed at Shirley's house this time, which would have made the trip a little cheaper, but still...
Nate's birthday is coming up real soon. He's counting down. 13 days. I don't know what we're doing, but he's excited. As long as he has cake, he'll be happy.
The kids are doing good in school. A's, B's, and C's for all. Nate's ready to go to middle school. He just brought the form home to choose what classes he wants, and he says he wants to be in honors classes. I hope he gets them - and does well.
I'm still weighing all of my decisions. Need to figure out what I'm going to do - where to work. Getting harder, but I'm pretty sure I can find something.
Well, I need to get myself some coffee and breakfast. I haven't been getting up early lately, but Lawrence did some OT, and he's only been home for 3.5 hours.
Pray for us. We're praying for you!
Thanks, and God Bless!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Ugh! I got "the letter"
The trip was nice. Although it was for a sad occasion, we had a great time. Saw lots of family, took loads of pictures. Was able to get a cheese steak (yay) and go to our favorite eateries.
We got back from Philly on Monday, and we picked up two kids along the way. My friend Ayana is in the hospital, so I have her two girls. They've been pretty good since they've been here. The house is a mess, though. We still have unpacking to do, and I have lots of washing. There was no machine where we stayed, so we came home with loads of dirty clothes. Also, the 3 year old wasn't feeling well, and she made it known in a BIG way while driving home yesterday. She's feeling much better now. Lawrence cleaned the van (we have Ayana's van) very well - can't even tell anything happened.
The kids are happy to be back in school - they missed their friends. Lawrence goes back to work today, so it's just going to be me and the girls for the week.
I'm getting Bri's Sweet 16 together. I have to find a venue, then I'll send out the invites. Send me your addresses.
OH! I started a Shutterfly picture site. is the address. Right now I'm uploading pictures from the weekend, and if you're a member, you'll get updates when I add pictures. I think this is easier than trying to send invites to everybody.
Well, back to clothes washing and house cleaning. Will get back to you guys later.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Where did I go?
I know lots of you have been asking what happened. Well, it's REALLY simple. I realized I was on the internet WAAAAYYYY too much, and it had to stop. I remember when I was a teen, my mom was always laying across or sitting on her bed. When I came home from school, there she was. When I first started taking pictures, every picture I had was of her laying across her bed. When I moved out and visited her, she was on her bed. Nothing wrong with being leisurely, just seemed that was all she did.
I see myself like that right now. This computer chair is my bed. Every time my kids see me, I'm in this chair. Yes, I do laundry, cook, clean; stuff like that, but I try to get it done quick so I can get back in the chair. Time to get out.
Now my laundry pile has gotten MUCH smaller, and I have more time to to other much needed things around the house. This works for me. I have also left the message board that I was CONSTANTLY on.
I feel better. I still have my blog (I'm going to post this note there, too), and I'm on Yahoo messenger. If you know me, you can still contact me, and this doesn't have to be the only way you do it.
I'm going to leave my facebook page up for a week, then I'm "unplugging" again.
Thanks, and God Bless!Leslie
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Beulah Harmon, 1910 - 2009
Anyway, so I'll be in Philly sooner than expected. Still coming in April, too.
Well, in other news - it has been a busy week. Wednesday, I went to the rheumatologist, and I finally have a diagnosis - Psoriatic Arthritis. Steroids or Enbrel are the treatments, but I don't think I want anything just yet. I'm not in crazy pain, so I'm not stressed about it. I can call when I need meds.
Thursday, I had my polygraph test which went really well. Friday, I went for my drug test, and the nurse decided to give me a whole physical. I thought it was normal procedure until she said I was going to have to go somewhere else for a chest x-ray. What do I need a chest x-ray for, and I'm going to be on the phone? Anyway, she realized she did too much and I went home.
Friday night, we drove to Hickory for Ayana and Anthony's baby's birthday party. We had a good time, once we found the place. The place was like Chuck-E-Cheese and Happy Times put together.
Saturday, Bri had her first real date. The guy is really nice, and he has a very nice family. They went to the movies, so I took that opportunity to take the other two to the movies as well. Bri and her friend went to see Madea, I took the other two to see Coraline. Then we went to Hooters to finish off the night.
Sunday, we went to church, then I took Bri to what I thought was going to be a nice group for her to join. They were just a little to unorganized, and when I asked her how she felt about the group - and she said it was a big bunch of ghetto girls. I guess we won't be going back...
Monday, I took Nate and Nicole's son to karate, and when Nate got home, he was feeling sick. He's been home from school the last two days with a fever. If he's not any better later today, I'm going to take him to the doctor.
Anyway, please pray for the Wimes and Harmon families. We're going to need it.
Thanks, and God Bless.
Friday, February 27, 2009
My dog got chewed on as an effect of the economy.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
I can't see!!
I'm still having eye issues. I go to the rheumatologist next week, and all of my doctors are waiting on the edge of their seat to see what he says. It's nice to have so many doctors not just dismiss me as being either crazy or a hypochondriac. They see the problems, and they know that when I'm depressed, it's because of whatever's going on with me - not just that I'm depressed. Good feeling, and it makes me not depressed anymore. Now if family could realize it too...
Anyway, Nate finished his basketball season. He had a good time. He missed one game because he hurt his foot at karate class. He's better now.
It's official - we're driving to Philly on April 4th. The kids have spring break, so we thought that would be as good of a time as any. They're ready, and very excited. I'm not ready for that drive...
Anyway, please pray for us. The weather is changing, and we're all having various breathing issues. Nate and I are having asthma issues, and the girls are having allergy troubles.
That's all for today, thanks, and God Bless!!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
New dinner recipe!
On to other news. The new IKEA will open on Wednesday, but Lawrence's job was given sneak peak passes, so we got to go yesterday! It was so great. I love IKEA, even though they didn't hire me. I even saw the guy who interviewed me, and told him I was mad at him (lol).
Tomorrow the kids have school, because they didn't go to school on the bogus snow day. I don't mind, more alone time. Nate has basketball and karate practice, so I can rest before I have to do any running.
We're in the middle of cleaning the garage, it's SOOO junky. It should be done by next weekend.
I'm completing applications for the two younger kids to go to a performing arts school. Renee wants to sing, and Nate wants to act. Kinda happy. They're both good, and this will just help them along.
I don't think that I have anything else to talk about right now.
God Bless!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Okay, I'm sick of the "snow" days.
This is the snow we got today. At 5:30 am, they announced there was no school. There was NO measurable snow. Our development doesn't get plowed, there was just NO snow in the street. I don't get it. There should have been a 2 hour delay or something, but to cancel school over this?
What's been going on? Well, I took my test to work at Lawrence's job, and I got a 96. I have an interview next Monday, so please pray.
I signed Renee and Nate up for a performing arts school, and they have to audition. I wanted to make an appointment for them today, but schools are closed...
Nate's basketball season is over at the end of the month, and he started taking karate on Mondays. He's going with Nicole's youngest son, and there are boys from his basketball team that are in his karate class. He should have fun.
There's not much more happening - I will let you guys know about the job situation as soon as I get an update.
Thanks, and God Bless!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
It's snowing...
Renee's friend was way too excited. Those are his tracks in the snow. He knocked on the door at 8:20am, jumping up and down, shouting "It's snowing, it's snowing, it's snowing". The same thing Renee did on Saturday. Now we know why they're friends...
There's no school today. I wish the house was empty again...
Yesterday was Renee's birthday, and we went to Ray's Splash Planet. We had lots of fun. The water temperature was great. There was lots for all of us to do, and even if you didn't want to get in the water, they have a fitness center at the facility. We're planning on going again next month.
Well, I'm going to have my morning coffee, will talk later.
Thanks, and God Bless!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
I can't watch!
Anyway, on to other non-depressing subjects. Nate's game was yesterday, now they're 2-1. They did a great job playing, and because the other team only had 4 players (others couldn't make it), one of the boys on Nate's team played for the other team. We thought that was great sportsmanship. Nate scored 4 pts, and had lots of rebounds and steals. He's turning out to be a very good defensive player.
Bri and I signed up to volunteer at the snack stand. They sell candy, popcorn, drinks, etc.. Since Nicole's son plays at 1pm, and Nate plays at 3pm, we're going to start at 1pm. Then I told the ref/minister that the kids would help after the game cleaning up.
Last night we took the drive down I-85 to the Kevin and Nadine's. Made a great dinner. The recipe is on the side. I got it from a message board I frequent.
Lawrence is still screaming at the tv. He was clapping, and I was going to turn back to the game, but he started screaming again, so I'm going to leave it alone.
Well, I'm off. I have to get our things together for swimming tomorrow. I'm still debating if I'm going to get in the water...
Thanks all, and God Bless!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Baby, it's cold outside!
Tomorrow, Nate has a basketball game. He's also taking pictures with the team, so you know when we get those, they will be posted on the board.
Monday's Renee's birthday. I will have TWO teenage girls in my house. Please PRAY for us!! Lol! Nicole came up with a great idea for us to go to this indoor pool/waterpark that's in the city. So we're all going, as well as Renee's friend, Marco. It should be fun. Then she's going to get a manicure, and she wants another earring hole. I'm not sure if we'll really do that, because she doesn't wear earrings now. Maybe we'll revisit that next year. It should be a fun day. I'm glad that the stores here have bathing suits out for sale already, because she needs a new one.
We're going to check out another church on Sunday. Providence Baptist Church. It's up the road from us, close to the first church we visited. We'll let you know what we think.
Sunday I will also do my second week of the Grocery Game. Had to wait until we actually had money...
Well, laundry's calling. Talk to you later!
Thanks, and God Bless!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Good morning...
There wasn't really much that went on this past week. I had a cramp in my leg that would rival almost any childbirth experience (well, any of mine, anyway, they were pretty easy), and when I went to the hospital, they thought I was 'crazy' again, gave me Valium, and sent me home. I went to my doctor, and was given actual pain medication. Nothing too strong, just some Celebrex and Flexeril (muscle relaxant), and took more blood from me. I swear I'm going to just run out of blood one day...
Bri had an ROTC event on Friday. I'm glad it was boring, because she doesn't need to have fun for a while (she's had enough fun). Nate had another basketball game - they won this time. They even started giving the other team points when they were fouled, just so they can have points on the board. The score was 22-6. The other team made one basket. Nate had 4 points, 5 steals, 12 rebounds, and forced 5 or 6 turnovers. He reminds me of a mini Charles Barkley on the court. He'd just better not get the attitude.
Renee is wavering with her pescaterianism. I found out from the Today show that she's not a vegetarian, she's a pescetarian. She still eats fish and eggs, so that's what puts her in this class. Thanksgiving, she ate something that had meat in it. Christmas, she had to try the ham. Last week, I made mini meatloaf, and she had to have one. She actually asked for more. Don't know where it's going to go from here, but whatever she decides, we'll just roll with it.
Today, we're going to Nicole's to watch the game. Well, ME going is still up in the air. I still can't put pressure on my foot, so I'm not sure. Lawrence and the kids are going, though. Nicole's husband is barbecuing, and we're bringing snacks. It should be a good game. I'm kind of upset that the Panthers lost, because they would have been here next week to play them, and we definitely would have at least sat outside the stadium. Would have been a HUGE tailgate party!
Oh well. Now I'm just hoping there's a PA Superbowl.
Well, I'm off. Gotta get drugged up, and lay my butt down.
Please continue to pray for us.
Thanks, and God Bless!