Sunday, February 15, 2009

New dinner recipe!

Onion-Crusted Fish. So good!!

On to other news. The new IKEA will open on Wednesday, but Lawrence's job was given sneak peak passes, so we got to go yesterday! It was so great. I love IKEA, even though they didn't hire me. I even saw the guy who interviewed me, and told him I was mad at him (lol).

Tomorrow the kids have school, because they didn't go to school on the bogus snow day. I don't mind, more alone time. Nate has basketball and karate practice, so I can rest before I have to do any running.

We're in the middle of cleaning the garage, it's SOOO junky. It should be done by next weekend.

I'm completing applications for the two younger kids to go to a performing arts school. Renee wants to sing, and Nate wants to act. Kinda happy. They're both good, and this will just help them along.

I don't think that I have anything else to talk about right now.

God Bless!

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