Tuesday, May 26, 2009

It's been a while

I've been neglecting my project. So sorry to my followers. I'm back now, here we go!

Bri's trip was nice, I posted pictures on http://thewanderingnomadspics.shutterfly.com for everyone to see. We went to the Citadel, toured an aircraft carrier that was transformed into a museum, and took a boat over to Fort Sumter. We had a great time. The kids were very respectful, so I didn't have to pull out my Philly hood attitude to get them in line...
Soon after that, Bri's JROTC group had an awards ceremony. I left my camera, but she didn't get any awards anyway. I told her next year I didn't want to just sit and clap for other people's kids.

Renee had a concert at her school. She's in Chorus club. It was a complete music concert - the string orchestra, the band, and the chorus club participated. It was very nice - until the chorus got up to sing. They didn't know the words, you couldn't hear the words that they did sing, and everyone started falling asleep. I didn't have my camera for that either, and I was happy I didn't.

Nate had his Karate Graduation to Orange belt, and those pictures are on the photo site as well.
He's looking forward to going to summer class, and he's happy that he's going to be moving up, so he'll be practicing with the older kids.

We're no longer homeless! We joined a church!! Oak Grove Missionary Baptist Church, it's not far from us - about a 5 minute drive. We went last summer when we first moved here, but most of the members went to visit another church. We went to several other churches, but we weren't comfortable - then we went back to visit Oak Grove, and it just felt like home. So, we made it home! Come visit us!

We had a great Memorial Day weekend. You'll see those pictures, too. We went to Kevin and Nadine's on Friday, then we had a barbecue here at home on Sunday.

What's happening next? Well I'm still looking for work, but I am starting school in August. Nate's hopefully going to a performing arts school next year for theater (I tried to get Renee to go, but she wants to wait until high school), and my niece and nephew are coming down for the summer.

I have to post a couple of recipes that I've tried.

Enjoy the pics everybody!

Thanks, and God Bless!

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