Friday, September 12, 2008

Three things...

...before I go on about my day.
1. We changed the title. After speaking to the family, we all decided that since they aren't "mommateers", then it's not fair to name the blog mommateer if they're going to contribute. There.

2. Do hurricanes eat gas? Why is the gas so high, and why are the people in North and South Carolina going nuts?? This is crazy. Yesterday, gas was $3.69 at the high priced stations. Today, people were lining up for hours at gas stations that were running empty. These are the ones that weren't changing their prices. They were $3.60 - $3.65. I went to a station and topped off at $4.29. I was able to get in and out of the station without issue, while others waited and waited, running out of gas, and still didn't get cheap gas because they were in line at a station that ran out. I feel bad for them. That just means they had to pay more and get more gas.

Anyway, about my day. I had to get Lawrence to the bus stop by 5:59am. I think I need to explain this:
We live in the city, however, we live very close to a rural area. Can't even call them suburbs. The developments we live in used to be farm land. There's still farm land around, there's cows and horses up the road! So anyway, the closest bus route is 3 miles away. With limited streetlights. And very limited sidewalks. Don't think Lawrence wants to walk to the bus in the dark morning. He'll either get hit, mauled, or shot because someone will think he's a burglar! He catches the bus on the days I need the car, and today was one of those days.
I then wait for Bri to leave at 6:10, make sure Nate eats and leaves at 6:30, then make sure Renee gets up to get ready for school. She doesn't have to leave until 7:30am, which is good, because she doesn't like to get up in the morning.
I cleaned (close your mouths), started my chili (see the recipe on the left), walked the dog, then went to pick up Nicole from work. This is when we first saw the gas prices. Went to the market, and then we had to go in that DREADED DIRECTION...
Near the racetrack! The race wasn't to start until about 7:00pm, however, there were people clamoring to get into the stadium. I don't get the excitement about watching cars for hours go around and around and around...
It wasn't a horrible drive, but it was annoying. I had to take the interstate just to get home. I HATE the interstate. But today it wasn't so bad. I came home and walked the dog again, just in time to start my outside running again. Pick up Lawrence and Bri; Bri went on a trip, so she missed the school bus to get home. I wanted her to take pictures so she could share them, but she said they actually had to do work on the trip.

The chili was good, and Nate baked his first cake. Maybe I'll have Bri share a cake recipe (not the chocolate one - that's a secret!!), and we watched Horton Hears a Who. Funny. I still didn't watch The Producers. I'll see it tomorrow.

Also tomorrow, one or all of the children will add to the blog. You have to read!

Let me know what you think about the new name.

God Bless,

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