Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Mommateer on the go!


It's about 10:15pm, and I'm getting ready for bed. Tomorrow morning, I'm going to the school to do my Mommateer duties. The Media Specialist (librarian) really likes me, and I like what I'm doing. It's everything I've wanted in a job. Who knew that my calling was to be a librarian?!
I started at this by fussing at the school because Renee's bus was 2:15 hours late on the first day of school. I called the school and was brushed off, so I emailed the superintendent. He, in turn, sent it down the line, and the principal called me to allow me to vent. I explained to her that I didn't want to be a problem parent, and if they needed any help to let me know. She took that moment to ask me to come in and help with the first picture day at the school. I said sure, it sounded simple enough...
Little did I know that I was going to start this new, great, non-paying position. It's funny, because there may be a position available, but I'm afraid that I'll screw it up. Not to say that I wouldn't try, I would love it. I don't have to sit in one place, answering phones, or be micromanaged. I also don't have to stand all day and get fussed at just because I want to go 'pee'. Some jobs make me feel like I'm in jail, but here I have more freedom to roam.
Nicole may go with me tomorrow as well. It's funny because we're going to be in the library, but when we're together, we make everyone laugh out loud, including each other! I wonder how the librarian will like that.

Man, Lawrence snores loudly. I snore, too, or at least that's what he tells me. He's very loud. I wish I had a microphone, I'd record it on here.

Well, I'm going to go to bed. I have to get up early and take Lawrence to the bus stop so I can start my day. Oh, I can't wait until God blesses us with a second car...

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