Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Day 2: Well, that was a bust...

I went to the school today to volunteer at the media center, but when I got there, the parking lot was completely full. I forgot that there was going to be the only African-American NHRA stock car racer at the school today. He was choosing students to be honoray pit-crew members for the race here on Friday night. That reminds me to not go near the mall this weekend. The traffic in that direction will be a mess....

Anyway, this NHRA driver, Tom Hammonds was also an NBA player, so there are many excited people here - especially parents. The 7th graders at the school were to write an essay on why they should serve as a pit crew member. Renee didn't want to do it. I thought it wold be a cool experience for her, but I can't force her, and I didn't want to write it for her, because she wouldn't lie for me if I did. She'd probably be upset with me for pulling her away from the t.v.. There's more than likely some high-schoolish movie on, or the Jonas brothers, or something like that on. Why watch cars when you can watch some girls try to hide the fact that they are really mermaids, no matter how many times you've seen it?

I think I'm going to try to go to the school tomorrow. I just found out that the district cut Media Assistants from the budget. I think it's dumb, because there's alot to do. I guess if there are people willing to volunteer, why should they waste the money? They might as well close down the school libraries, because the librarian will not be able to take care of evey duty.

Well, it's raining, and I have to pick up Lawrence from the bus stop. He won't be too happy with cold, wet clothes on.

As I said before, let me know what you think. What else do you want to know? You can post your comments at the end of each blog entry.

Talk to you soon!

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