Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Tomorrow's Lawrence's Birthday...

...and we're trying to do something special. I'm making a special dinner just for him, and the kids are going to do something special. I'll update you on that tomorrow, don't want him to read it and ruin the surprise.

What else? Well, tomorrow's also Bri's last day of driver's ed. classroom training. She has to do her behind the wheel training, but that's not until the end of October. You can all breathe now, the streets and sidewalks are safe for another month, at least.

Living in this area is nice, but being from the inner city, we're not used to the constant sound of crickets. This morning, it sounded like there was a cricket behind the sofa. I pulled out the couch and actually vacuumed to make sure. Noise kept going. It was outside, right under the window, but it was just very loud. One morning, Nate woke up to a cricket, on his face!! That was the only bug (other than the occasional spider) we've had in the house. That's one thing I definitely don't miss. No house next to me, no woods behind me, no rodents living with me!

We're trying to figure out if it's possible to come up there for Thanksgiving. We know we're not driving. I don't want to be in a car that's going up or down I-95 for a while. We have enough highway here. Unfortunately, we may have to leave Lawrence behind. Don't think he's going to get a holiday off for a while.

I'm tired, so I'm going to turn in now. Have a long day ahead tomorrow.
So did anyone try either of the recipes listed? I'm changing the dinner recipe tomorrow.

While you're here, I would like to add something to your prayer list:
We NEED another car! Like NOW! Don't have the money, but we definitely need one. Pray for us. Was told if you don't ask, God won't answer.

You all have a good night, and God Bless.

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