Friday, November 7, 2008

So I'm healthy and looking

I need a job badly. As I know many of you know, money is tight. Well for us, money is like a size zero jeans that I'm trying to jump around the room and pull up over my fat thighs. Nate poured himself some cereal, then realized we didn't have any milk. He wasn't happy.
Anyway, I do have an interview, but it's not until 11/23. Yes, a Sunday. It's a retail job. In the meantime, I'm looking hard and praying harder. Please pray too.

I've been getting health questions. Sorry I haven't updated anything. I had several tests come back, and all but one are normal. The only one that's not normal was one that says I have inflammation. Well, of course I have inflammation, that's what was wrong with my eye in the first place! So we're back to square one. Crazy. I'll go to the psychologist soon, I have a number.

So, I started a facebook profile after hearing 'Sign up on my facebook' about a BILLION times. It's kinda fun, so I think I'll keep it up for a while.

Nate and Bri started blogging more. Did you read it? Renee said she doesn't like typing, so unless I move her hands or type for her, you won't see anything from her.

I'm done. Don't have much else to talk about. Please pray for our physical and financial health.

Thanks, and God Bless!

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