Saturday, June 21, 2014

National Hollering Contest Day

Yes, I missed two days... I was away with my daughter, checking out her college. I was so exhausted, I was not able to think - so typing was out of the question. The days I missed were World Sauntering Day - although I DID saunter while walking with the college group. Dianna wasn't happy. Yesterday was Ice Cream Soda Day and Take Your Dog to Work Day.

Today is Finally Summer Day. Lawrence lit up the grill and made some yummy gyros. It's also National Hollering Contest Day. For that, I want to post the all-time winner of "hollering".

Crazy thing - this man looks very similar to my father-in-law:

Anyway, tomorrow (I WILL post on time) is National Chocolate Eclair Day. Yummm!!

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