Saturday, September 27, 2008

The Little Things

So often, we get caught up in all the big things going on in our lives. We sweat all the hassles, and worry needlessly about so many things. But how often do we forget to be thankful for the little blessings that get us through each and every day? We worry about bills, health, our jobs, our homes, etc... Well, today was a day to appreciate the little things.

I'm sure by now you've heard about the crazy gas shortage here. Well, it hasn't really affected us because our car has been sipping gas. For the last 4 days, while others have been driving miles out of there way, just to wait in line for literally 4-5 hours to get a rationed 10 gallons for about $4.30 per gallon, we have been riding around and the gas gauge was hardly moving. I mean people were running out of gas waiting in mile long lines to get gas. Fights were breaking out, because people were cutting in line. We actually had to have police officers directing traffic at gas stations.

Today I noticed that we were getting pretty close to being on 1/4 tank. I thought about getting gas yesterday at the BP where I usually go, but like so many others, they were out of gas, and their pumps were shut down. But, while I was at work, they sent a message around letting us know that there was a BP gas station that was holding a reserve of gas for police employees to fill service, and personal vehicles. Wouldn't you know, it was the one I usually go to. I still figured since every police employee got the message, there was still, probably going to be a line and they may even run out of gas like the ones that had done this in previous days. I still had hours left to my shift.

When I got off, I was walking out happy to be going home because it had been a busy day for me, calling back all of the hang-ups we got, and putting out APB's, as well as my normal duties. I began to chat with the officer who was manning the front desk. I remarked that it was great that we were finally getting out of there, but he said he was going to work off duty doing what else....directing traffic at a gas station. I then mentioned the gas station where we could all get gas. That's where he was headed.

We drove there pretty much in tandem. I was expecting a line or a crowd, but there was none. We went inside and the mgr told us they were waiting for us to get there before they turned on the pumps. I was able to fill up my tank (no 10 gallon rationing) before anyone else was even allowed into the gas station, and was home only about 5 minutes later than usual. As I left, the line had already stretched a full block, and was growing. Can you say PROVISION? I was so tickled I couldn't wait to tell somebody. So, before I even set foot in the door I told Leslie, my mom, my freind, and his mom.

When I got home I was greeted by Nate, filled with his normal exuberance. I used to wonder why he always got so excited about seeing me. I mean, I could walk into a different room, and when I came back, he'd be waiting for me with a hug. But, one day, his godmother and I were talking. She said she has never seen a son love his father as much as Nate loves me. And it made me truly appreciate how special our bond really is. So, I relish every one of those hugs, and I hug him back like it's the last one I'll ever get. I hugged all the kids and told them I loved them.

Tonight was a "whatever night" for dinner, and afterwards Bri, Leslie, and I played Sequence, Renee played Mario Party, and Nate played his DS. I'm blogging mostly because Leslie is having some hand issues. We went to get her a support brace earlier, and she said it feels much better.

We're all a little excited because Leslie starts her new job on Monday. It will be a welcome boost in income, but I'll miss her being home. She was doing such a great job taking care of the house and all of us. But we'll all try our best to keep the ship sailing smoothly. Well, Leslie's snoring and I've been up since 4:30 and at least want to lay down if not go to sleep. So, hopefully you'll hear from me later. If not it's because of the blog hog. Just kidding. Love you guys.

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