Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Travel, Big Gay Dance Party and other plays... and what's up with the hair?

So, I think last time, I was whining about my car situation. Well, maybe not "whining", but I was determined to do something about it... 
Well guess what? We did!! We were able to get the Malibu fixed, thank you, God! Having two cars is soooo much better - gas prices are crazy right now, and us trying to drive the one car only was getting ridiculous! Especially when we had to go back and forth to Gastonia for this play...

Speaking of...
Have you seen my boy? Well, most of you haven't... even the ones that live in Charlotte *side-eying you all*. It was a great play. Sorry you missed it - you missed some wonderful singing from some hard working teenagers.
After the finale, I dropped Dianna off at her new gig... I'll talk more on that later... 
We then went to a cast pool party, where Deven has been dubbed "Blelvis". He pulled out his guitar and started playing poolside. Suddenly, there was a crowd around him. Blelvis. Yeah.  

Dianna's gig. She's a stagehand for Abraham Lincoln's Big Gay Dance Party. With a name like that, how can you NOT go see the play. From the little that Dianna has told me, the play is hilarious! I can't wait to see it. It's at Duke Energy Theatre at Spirit Square, 345 College St.. The play runs from 8/16 - 825. This is what Dianna wants to do now. She'd like to be on stage once in a while, but she's excited about backstage and lighting. I'm trying to get her into as much as possible. If you know anything she can work on...

So the hair.
In 2002, I started locs. LOVED them. They grew so long that it was ridiculous. When I moved to Charlotte, my hair was so long that I couldn't use a shower cap, I had to use a grocery bag. It would smack Lawrence in his sleep, and it was just heavy. So, I cut them down and combed them out.
And was happy.
Until I couldn't do anything with my hair. Nothing. No amount of straightening worked. So I put a relaxer in it. And hated it. So I got it cut. And wasn't happy. And my hair started thinning...
In 2010, I went back to locs. LOVED them. Was soooo happy.
But I can't do them as often as I want, and I couldn't find a stylist that I liked. So last month I decided to start combing them out again.

It took about a month, but I finally finished combing them out on Monday. Iyana told me about a stylist she went to that is VERY reasonable and she got a blow-out and style. So I went there.
Salon of Evidence at 5th and Tryon in the Ivey building. Charles was Iyana's stylist, and Stella was mine. They are great. My hair is chemical straight, but has no chemicals in it. I plan on keeping it that way. And I think I look pretty good.

I didn't realize my hair was so long! I have to get used to this tickling my neck.

So. Upcoming for us.
Well, we still didn't announce the "news", that's coming soon. Dianna is "teching" The Color Purple. The DNC will be in town so Lawrence has to work 12hr shifts soon. And we'll be in Philly 9/21-9/24.

I guess that's all for now.

Do you like my new hair?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the new hair! Welcome to my world!

Sounds like your kids are really doing big things! Wonderful!