Sunday, August 26, 2012


I am so excited about school starting tomorrow! Although I'll have one here, it's still nice that the others will be out of my hair on Mondays - my day off. I'll have food in the fridge, a clean living and family room, no complaining... it's going to be nice.

Janiyah is starting the 4th grade. We hope that she'll focus more - we're working on it hard, so we'll see. She wants to be homes chooled - well, she THINKS she wants to be home schooled, but I keep telling her that she will have much more fun at school. She told me tonight that she knows she's good at 3 subjects - gym, lunch, and recess.
We ARE working on it...

Ahja starts 9th grade. She's in all honors classes and has some great electives, but she's already complaining that she has gym. She also has JROTC, which also has exercising... she's not an active kid. I hope she has a good year... I really do...

Deven also starts 9th grade tomorrow (woohoo!). Because of the test that he took at the end of the year, we decided to push him a little more. He's going to do more 10th grade than 9th grade work. He can handle it. He's also going to learn more songs and study more plays through the year. He started off with The Merchant of Venice, and he's going to work on reading Death of a Salesman next. He has another test to take to make sure he's ready for the transition back to traditional school next year.

Dianna is starting 11th grade. I can't believe she's almost done. She's working more on tech work in theatre, she has some AP classes, and she's even teching at community theatres for training. This is now her career. I'm excited she found what she really wants to do. It's hard not to know what they want to do, because you don't know which way to point them or where to get help from, so it's nice to know where she's going with her future. Next step with her - college visits.

Iyana is a sophomore in college! WOW! She's looking for a job and an internship... anybody? Lol!
After this year, she wants to transfer to another school. Don't know where yet, but she wants to stay close to Charlotte. maybe I'll just double up on the tours...

I think that's all the updates for now... the big news is still coming... you'll hear it soon!

Until next time.


Anonymous said...

Oh my. Time is flying. Your kids are getting older!

Leslie said...

YES!! I don't know what I'm going to do when they all move out... maybe throw a giant party...