Saturday, November 29, 2008

So today's my birthday...

... and as much as I like to celebrate everyone's birthday, I don't like to celebrate mine. I try to get in the spirit, like we're going to breakfast today. Normally though, it's hard. Because it's right after Thanksgiving and at the start of Christmas shopping, I never have a good time. I had 2 parties when I was a kid, and only one birthday that was actually fun (28th birthday bash). My husband tries his hardest every year, but it seems to come up short. Like the time when he tried to have a surprise party at my favorite resturaunt. It was a bad idea, because it was black Friday, so everyone is spending money on Christmas. Also, everyone is still into their leftovers, so who wants to spend money on food? 5 people showed, and he had reserved space for 20. It was a little embarrasing, they had to allow others to sit at the table after waiting for about an hour.

So anyway, I tend to dread the day. I don't like getting older. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful that God has given me another day to celebrate. I guess that's how I need to leave it.

Well, we had a good time at dinner this Thanksgiving. We went to Nicole's friend's house. She has lots of space, and everyone was able to enjoy something. The teen girls (3 of them) were in their room or with the adult women. The men and younger boys were playing video games in different rooms, so they were happy. I'm going to post pics later.

I think we're ready to go eat now. The kid who sleeps all day is now dressed, so we're going to head out.

Thanks and God Bless!

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