Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Work vs. health

Ok, so last week I said I had pink eye, but it wasn't crusty or draining pus (I was about to use a different way to describe pus, but I was going to spell it wrong, and I would have offended lots of people!), so I was concerned that it wasn't pink eye. On top of that, my eye was hurting badly, and it hurt even worse when I looked into any type of bright light. So I went to WebMd, and I found my exact symptoms! I went to the emergency room, and I was correct - I have iritis. Another inflammatory issue. The reason my eye was red and painful is because my iris was inflamed, and every time light hit either eye, it caused my pupil to contract. So now I have to take drops to keep my eye dilated, and I have to go to the opthomologist. That's where the problem comes in.
At work, we are in the last part of our training, and we can't take any time off. If we do, we'll get fired. They let 3 people go for that last week. The opthomologists that I call to make an appointment with only have appointments until 5pm, and will only take new patients no later than 4pm. I don't know when I can get to an appointment, and I don't know the damage that's causing to my eye. I have to wear sunglasses everywhere - even in the house - and everything's fuzzy. I can see, but it's annoying. I can't drive in the dark at all. And I need my job. Please pray with me for my health.

Anyway, so you don't feel so bad about me - I'm doing better at work. Next Monday we'll be out of training, and taking live calls. I can't wait - tired of training. Also, Bri starts her behind-the-wheel training next week. That's going to be interesting. She's excited. I am too, just a different type of excited.

Well, I have to go. Just wanted to update you guys. I'm trying to get Lawrence to blog, but that's like pulling teeth!

Thanks, and God Bless!

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