Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The BIG Audition

So, as most of you know, Deven auditioned for - well, I don't know how long we're bound into not saying the name of the show or the "results", or if these results even matter - so for the purposes of this post --- he auditioned for the "show". Also, as most of you know, he didn't make it far at all. We're okay with it... he's only 15, and this is his first big audition. We had an AMAZING time. AMAZING!

First, let me tell you about Sunday. We arrived at 3am to an already growing crowd for 7am registration. He brought his guitar, so there was definitely something to do. It became a huge conversation piece, and we ended up with our own little group of "friends". Singing, being silly, learning new things about the guitar... nice way to spend 4 hours with strangers. Deven was interviewed on the news, and he made up a song about "the show" for the cameras. Registration was VERY quick, and we were home in time to celebrate Father's Day with Lawrence before he went to work.

Tuesday, we got there at 2am. There was a much smaller crowd, and we got to sit comfortably. Deven saw Matt (in the video), and he pretty much hung out with him and a few others while waiting for the doors to open. I made Deven schmooze it up for the news cameras... hey, why not?

Then it was time for all the crowd cheering you see at the beginning of the show. We did all the "Welcome to Charlotte" and some other phrases they made us say. Then the Host came!! He is SOOOO nice! I was so close to him that I COULD HAVE kissed him... I wouldn't have, but I could have... lol!
Then we did he cheering with him. Then we went to our seats and cheered... then it was time.
There were 12 tables in the middle of the arena. You go to a table as a group of 4, and your group sings one at a time. Then the producers tell you whether you went to the second of 3 rounds or you went home. Deven held his shirt, folded his arms - tightly, twisted his lips... he was visibly very nervous.

His review after he sang: You have a phenomenal voice, but you are too timid.
His nerves did him in.

We both just shrugged and schmoozed for the cameras again. There's definitely always another audition... this experience ends nothing.

One great thing that came out of it - he is now going to rehearse weekly again!! He didn't want to do it anymore, but now he's decided to rehearse with me recording him again! He needs to get over those nerves. He's going to be great!!

Of course, this is the CONDENSED version of the story... but if I went into details, there would be too many pages!

I'm TIRED... 5 hrs of sleep in 2 days... tomorrow's going to be interesting.

Thanks for following our mini-journey!

Until next time!

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