Wednesday, April 25, 2012

How's homeschooling going?

It's coming to the end of the second week of homeschooling, and I have to say that it's going surprisingly well. Deven is really enjoying himself - we get down to business at 7:30am starting with bible study, there's no ten to fifteen minute break between classes, and he loves the lessons. We are doing a lot of work, but he has time to think about what he's doing and we know what he needs to work on. These are the subjects we're teaching him:

We have learned that he didn't absorb much Algebra, so we're teaching refresher lessons; which is fine for me, because I actually enjoyed Algebra in school (well, Algebra 2... my Algebra 1 teacher was an ass, and I had to take it in summer school, where I passed with an A). He should be back on track and ready for Algebra 2 in the fall.

Social Studies - he was working on the Louisiana Purchase and Lewis and Clark in school, so that's where we're picking up, and we're going to trudge right on through the 1800s.

In Science, we're going to complete small experiments and he's going to start studying the periodic table.

Language Arts - we're finishing a refresher course on punctuation. He also has vocabulary, journal entries to complete, and stories to read. He finished reading Flowers for Algernon (by choice) before we pulled him, so we gave him a test on that. He'll start a new book next Monday.

Spanish - there's this GREAT conversational Spanish website that Deven LOVES! It's Conversational Spanish - Basics for Beginners. It's really fun... I might even work on it, myself! We're not that worried about how he does in Spanish, because he'll have more structured lessons in the fall.

Music Appreciation - Deven is learning to play the guitar. He has to learn and perform a song for his final.

Home Economics - We're teaching Deven basic cooking and baking skills. He has to prepare a dinner and dessert for final.

Health is about nutrition and healthy eating, and he has Physical Education twice a week.

He also has drama. We want to make sure we keep his love of the arts alive. He will be in two plays this summer, and he has to also see and write a summary about another play. This will also help with his social life.

Speaking of social life, we're attending a homeschool historical ball on Saturday. Deven, Dianna, and Ahja are going - we're all excited about it.  I might allow Janiyah to go, but she was just in trouble for something, so I may not... we'll see.

I think that's where I'll end this. I'll update once a week, and of course, I'll post pictures of the ball...

Thanks for reading!

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