Tuesday, December 30, 2008

2008: Our year in review

Well, it has been a different year for us. Excitement, disappointments, changes, happiness, sadness, and struggles.
Some notes: Our move to Charlotte. That was the highlight of the year. Lawrence has a good job, and we are living in a nice house in a nice neighborhood. We have been blessed with this great change, and God has guided us to this place so that we can grow.

Nate had to start 5th grade again, however, it was good for him. He needed that wake up call to get himself together. Now he has As and Bs, and is loving his new friends and classmates.

Renee is realizing how easy school can be now, if she just does the work. She is excited because this is her first time ever being on the Honor Roll. She has always had the potential, she just never wanted to show it. Now that she's had the 'taste' of success, she's high on it. We want to keep her that way!

Of course, everything isn't going as planned. I haven't been able to hold a job because I have been stricken with strange illnesses. I thought it was just maybe stress or depression. I started trying to get treated for depression, hoping my brain would 'stop making me sick'. Now I have more issues. This time, I'm keeping on top of things, and the doctors I'm seeing have their eyes open to what's going on, and their minds are working overtime. They know it's something - some auto-immune issue - just don't know exactly what. We're working on it.

Also, one of the main reasons for the big move was to give Bri a better chance at being a responsible teenager. There were people in Philly that we just didn't want her to be around. I was worried about her schooling, and was also worried that although I was able to send her to a good school, where would I send Renee and Nate? Her school was good, but they still had their fights, and the area it was in was dangerous. Red Lion Road and Roosevelt Blvd. is the worst intersection anywhere! It always worried me that she wanted to cross that street to hang with her friends. I tried to give her freedom, however she took it for granted.
Moving here, I thought things would be different. However she is falling. And as a parent, I feel I'm failing. I'm not sure what road God is going to lead her on, however I am trying my best to keep her on a straight path. Pray for us.

And now, with this recession looming on the world, it's getting harder and harder to make ends meet. I need a job, and we need help. Food shopping is dwindling, clothing and shoes are being put on the back burner.

2009 is going to be better. I may start working part-time. We're waiting for Lawrence's job to let me know if I will be hired. Nate and Renee are still going to do great in school, and Bri is going to realize that the choices she makes not only affect her, but everyone around her, and that if she makes the wrong choices now she can possibly ruin her future. I want her to see that before it actually happens.

So, please everyone, keep us in your prayers. ANY help you can offer would be wonderful!

Thank you all, and God Bless!

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