Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Pie Pictures

So, this was supposed to be posted two days ago, but I asked Lawrence if he wanted to do it, and you see how fast it got done!
Anyway, These pictures are from my phone, so they're not the best. The pie, however, was great! We all enjoyed it, as you can see in the pictures:

So in other news, we may have a car! We're still praying that this is the right one. We went to see it today. Keep praying for us.

My job is stressful. I can't wait to start actual work. I know I said this before, but I have to repeat things at work, so I'm used to it. Lawrence however, likes his job. If it wasn't for the fact that we would both end up working second shift, I would probably work there. I am actively looking for something else, because the job I have is temporary, and if they offered full time, I may not accept. I think I want to stay at the temp agency, but not at the company they have me at now.

The debate is on. I don't like this town hall stuff, and Tom Brokaw is very biased. It's sad when you can see it. I think the last two moderators were pretty fair, although you can see that Gwen Ifill was pretty chummy with Joe Biden. They were fair however with the questions and answers, even when Sarah Palin didn't answer, and said she wasn't going to answer.

I'm mad at Lawrence. I turned from the debate, and he said turn back. Now I'm watching it, and he's interrupting with his snoring! I'm going to join him now, we can have a duet.

Thanks, and God Bless!

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